Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My first Nike+ Run!

Ya! I did it!!! And this thing is MOTIVATING!!! I have never run this far in my life, woo hoo!

Here's to many more. Steph

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Walked with the kids today and ran 20 minutes on the wii

I'm still trying to figure out if I'll keep going on Weight Watchers or just use a calories counter. Also trying to see if I can post my food log here... We shall see..


Friday, March 27, 2009

My first run!

Well I did it, I started running. I have to walk to the dog, I figured I might as well use that time to get both Oakley and I in shape. So here I am, running. I still can't run the whole 1.42 miles, Kinda pathetic but I will get there. Right now this is taking me about 20 minutes.

Goal 1: Run the whole thing
Goal 2: Run it in less than 15 minutes

Then I'll move to another route.

Thoughts anyone?

My First Nike+ Goal

Welcome to Steph getting in shape!

So I have decided it's time to get my sorry butt in shape. I don't have much time between my family, work and some sort of life but I want to make it a point to get in shape and down to my "happy" weight.

I'll be posting my running routes and possibly more as I found cool tools,

Stay tuned! Steph